The Growth Blueprint for New Entrepreneurs

Aligning Personal Growth with Business Goals

As an athlete, the alignment between my identity and goals were clear: perform at the highest level, stay physically and mentally prepared, and contribute to the team's success.

Personal and professional growth as a player were one in the same. Everything that helped me get the most out of my body was perfectly aligned with my business goals of playing at a high level for as long as possible.

But when I left the game, things were very different. Stepping off the field and transitioning into the world of entrepreneurship required a different mindset. At the same time, I was trying to figure out who I wanted to become, in a world full of changes. My career was changing, my family was growing, and I relocated to another state.

The early days of the transition NFL player to entrepreneur was an intense period of self-discovery. It was the first time that I set out to build something that was an extension of my thoughts and ideas; something that would live and exist beyond me.

Personal and professional goals were connected, but they were no longer the same thing. I quickly realized that finding balance and alignment in this world required a new set of skills and strategies.

A balancing act for entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs, the line separating our personal and professional lives are often blurred, if if exists at all.

Our business ideas initially reflect who we are, which brings excitement and energy. However, as the business evolves, the initial lightness and energy of starting a business gives way to the weight of running and expanding it.

When it starts to affect your ability to lead the business, you reach a critical challenge many entrepreneurs face — finding harmony between personal and professional aspirations.

For many entrepreneurs, there is no time where you’re ‘off the clock.’ It makes time-based work-life balance nearly impossible to execute. Instead, I focus on aligning personal and business goals for fulfillment that starts with a key question:

'How can I align myself so that I can achieve my personal goals while pursuing the business goals?'

Exploring this alignment requires introspection, self-awareness, and intentional planning, anchored by a clear vision of personal success.

The quest to find balance and alignment

The first step is defining what success looks like for you—both personally and professionally. Success is a deeply personal concept that extends beyond financial metrics and business milestones. It should be about personal fulfillment, your long-term well-being, and aligning your actions with your values and beliefs. So, take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • What does success mean to you?

  • What values do you hold most dear?

  • How are your values reflected in your work?

  • How do you envision your ideal life?

Defining success on these terms gives you a deep understanding of your intrinsic motivations. It also presents a clear vision of your desired outcomes. By articulating your personal and professional goals, you set the stage to identify where there is strategic alignment that pushes you forward faster vs. friction that slows your growth and drains energy.

Strategic Goal Setting

Once you have a clear definition of YOUR success, the next step is to set strategic goals. Strategic goal setting is not about creating a laundry list of tasks but about identifying key milestones that provide fuel for your vision of success. These goals should align with your personal goals and values and business objectives.

Pro Tip
If your personal goals and values don't align, then use these insight to explore and find opportunities that re-fuel yourself, and if it’s feasible in your current role.

Here are a few guiding principles for setting effective strategic goals for yourself:

  1. Align with Values: Ensure that your goals reflect your core values. When your actions align with your beliefs, you create a sense of purpose and motivation.

  2. Prioritize a Holistic Approach: Set goals that promote balance between personal growth and business development. This might mean dedicating time to personal hobbies, family, or self-care, alongside your professional pursuits.

  3. Be Specific and Measurable: Clearly define what you want to achieve and establish metrics to track your progress. Specific, measurable goals provide clarity and direction.

  4. Flexible Yet Firm: While it’s important to stay committed to your goals, allow room for flexibility. Life is dynamic, and your plans should adapt to changing circumstances without compromising your core values.

Achieving balance between personal growth and business goals is an ongoing process that requires a strategic approach.

Start with self-discovery in order to set goals that lead to success in both personal and business life. Use tools like our Self Scout OS to distill what success means to you, and create a blueprint for meaningful success that aligns you and your business.

Remember, growth is a continuous evolution that needs introspection, adaptation, and commitment.