Branding Beyond the Athlete

Building a Holistic and Authentic Brand After Sports

When I stepped off the field for the last time nearly nine years ago, I knew transitioning to life after football would be challenging. As a 32-year-old about to embark on a new chapter, I understood that replacing the singular focus that consumed 25 years of my life wouldn't happen overnight. But I felt mentally prepared to take on the challenge.

What I didn’t anticipate was how difficult it would be to escape the shadow of my success on the field. That success created a brand perception that often entered the room before I did.

Many people talk about the doors sports can open. Yes, athletes can access rooms where deals are happening. What they don’t mention is that most people in the room still see you as the entertainment. Navigating through preconceived assumptions, questions of how serious you are about business, fantasy football references, and old sports stories felt like a prerequisite to demonstrate the true value I could add.

Eventually, I started working with PR and branding firms to reframe my image. Whether they specialized in athletes, CEOs, or influencers, these agencies had one thing in common: they were hyper-focused on my NFL career.

I quickly realized they were more interested in using my past football highlights as a launchpad than helping me build a future-focused brand. While I’m proud of my accomplishments on the field, I didn’t want to be trapped in the past. I realized this was a challenge I needed to solve internally because very few outsiders understood.

Many athletes face the same challenge: their brand is reduced to their sports career success. Many existing athlete branding solutions double down on this, positioning athletes as influencers or brand ambassadors instead of empowering them to create a brand that speaks to who they are and who they’re aspiring to become.

In this article, I’ll share a few insights on how to break free from the confines of your past success and build a brand that reflects who you are today and the impact you want to create.

Shifting the Lens

The hard truth is that most people first experience your brand as an athlete, from a fan’s perspective. Whether they watched you play live or had you on their fantasy team, they’ve built their perception of you around your entertainment value. For many, that’s the only lens through which they see you.

When it comes to your brand, other people’s perceptions can become your reality.

You know your value extends far beyond that. The same mindset, discipline, and resilience that made you successful in sports can also make you successful in business, leadership, or personal development. Your biggest challenge is shifting the perception from entertainer to leader.

Impact Over Influence:

Lead your brand-building process by thinking about how and where you can create value in areas beyond sports. Start with these questions:

  • What problems can I solve?

  • How can I make a difference in my new industry or community?

These quick checkpoints will help you reframe the purpose behind your brand within the context of the impact you’re looking to create, rather than relying on the influence from your playing days.

Standing in the Essence of Your Success

As athletes, we’re accustomed to being defined by our performance—whether it’s by scouts, coaches, or fans. To many people, that becomes the brand they recognize and recall. Your athlete persona becomes your default brand because that’s what people know.

Your brand should reflect who you are and who you are becoming—not what people thought of your career stats.

The truth about life after sports is that you must be uncompromising in who you are—which is much more than your past athletic performance. Your value isn’t captured just in your athletic achievements. There’s brand value in the processes you’ve built, the resilience you’ve shown, and the “soft skills” you’ve developed to get yourself to perform at a high level against incredible odds.

Own them. Lead with them. If you don’t, you’ll be pulled in different directions, trying to fit into everyone else’s vision of who they think you should be. Easier said than done.

It takes confidence and self awareness to stand as your authentic self. It’s not always easy to tell people, “That’s what I used to do for a living, but now I’m focused on other interests.” This mindset shift might cost you a few opportunities, but the selective and strategic “no’s” are necessary to do to grow and push your brand forward.

Brand Alignment Self-audit:

Ask yourself these quick questions to make sure new opportunities align with the brand you’re building:

  • Does this opportunity align with my core, non-negotiable values?

  • Does this opportunity align with the kind of impact I want to make in the next phase of my life and what I want to be known for?

More Than a Digital Footprint

Most of the business world equates an athlete’s brand to their online presence—social media posts, websites, and maybe some merchandise. The athlete branding world often focuses on trying to grow followers and stay relevant. Remember this —

Influence fades with the trends, but impact has staying power.

Your brand is your presence—not just what people see online. It’s how you show up in every interaction, whether it’s in person, through an email, or on a public stage. A strong brand built on the consistency of your actions, how you treat people, and how you carry yourself in different situations.

It’s not just about what you post on Instagram; it’s about the way you live your life daily, both online and offline.

Mindset Shift:

The same processes and mindsets that made you elite in sports can help you build something bigger off the field. Start by asking yourself these quick questions:

  • What problems do I care about solving?

  • What contributions do I want to make?

Align your actions with impacting these areas, and your brand will start to speak for itself. When you focus on impact, your influence will naturally grow as a byproduct. Then, you can use the social and digital tools to amplify this work.

Becoming Elite in the Next Chapter

You know the same mindsets and processes that made you successful in sports can be directly applied to the next chapter of your life. But to position them in a brand that can thrive, you need to break free from the limiting perceptions.

Your career as an athlete was just the start. Now it’s time to show the world that you’re a multidimensional leader, capable of achieving greatness in any field. Focus on creating impact, and let that define your next chapter.

You were elite on the field—you deserve to build a brand that positions you to become elite in your next chapter.

Ready to take the next step?

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A personalized system to align your daily actions with your long-term goals, forging a path to intentional success.