Become Your Own Competitive Advantage

A Roadmap to Discovering and Harnessing Your Unique Value

For almost a decade, much of my focus was on working with startup technology companies. I've had the chance to witness the birth stories of countless companies. It's incredible to see ideas, innovations, and inventions transform into groundbreaking ventures.

One thing you learn quickly is that ideas are everywhere. The secret to spotting the startups with real potential isn't just about having the right business concept. The more companies I evaluated, the more I learned something that feels counterintuitive at first. The best companies to invest in aren't always the ones with the most groundbreaking ideas.

Think about it. Many startup companies start off as new innovative concepts to solve existing problems. Most have a promising idea with little validation of the need, or if the company can be scaled. So, if everyone is starting at a similar spot, what sets the successful startups apart from the rest? It all lies in the makeup of their founders. It's all about the approach, mindset, and resilience of their founders. That's the real unfair advantage - their unique value proposition.

When I talk about the founder's approach, I mean their ability to take calculated risks, adapt to changing circumstances vigilantly, and strategically position their ventures for growth. A founder's mindset is crucial too - the power to stay persistent in the face of adversity, the unwavering belief in their idea, and the determination to make it a reality. Underpinning these skills is the ability to be resilient to bounce back from setbacks and failures – it's this resilience that separates those who succeed from those who don't make it in the long run.

What is your unfair advantage?

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, it's critical you develop an unfair advantage to build a successful career. Just relying on skills and talent isn't enough anymore. Without a unique differentiator, you risk becoming replaceable and your career may stagnate.

Your unfair advantage is what sets you apart from the crowd. It's what makes you an invaluable asset in any situation. Of course, it's easier said than done. Here are three steps to guide you through where to start identifying it:

Find your unique value proposition - What can you offer that no one else can?

Take a moment to think about what sets you apart. We all have unique skills, experiences, and knowledge. It's up to you to actively seek out your own unique value proposition. Maybe it's a particular skill you excel at, your ability to network and make connections, your personal brand, or your out-of-the-box thinking. Once you discover it, leverage these attributes to create a noticeable distinction between yourself and others.

Infuse who you are into what you do - You are more than just your job.

Remember that who you are as an individual goes beyond your job title or what you do for a living. Your personality, passions, values, and aspirations all contribute to your identity. To position yourself for success, you need to infuse these elements into your professional pursuits. This creates a personal competitive advantage that can't be replicated. It's your self-awareness and authenticity that separate the achievers from the dreamers.

Protect your moat - Move with speed and efficiency.

Once you've found your edge, it's crucial to act quickly to secure it. In today's fast-paced world, information spreads like wildfire, and imitation is a common thing. So, once you've discovered your unique value proposition, take action to build your personal moat. Establish yourself as an expert in your field, grow your network, and cultivate a solid reputation based on your distinctive qualities.

By doing so, you not only position yourself for success but also make it harder for others to directly compete with you. You stand out by creating your own unique path and not letting your career trajectory be solely dictated by your industry, peers, or the status quo.

In conclusion, the need to differentiate ourselves has never been more critical. Just as I sought that unique element in startup founders during my investor days, employers today are looking for that unique value proposition in their prospective employees. It's time we recognized and embraced our own unique value propositions. It's time we became our own unfair advantage because, at the end of the day, you are your best bet.

Ready to take the next step?

If you're searching for a change but unsure where to begin, check out these two powerful tools from Separation Playbook:

📚 Get the Self Scouting 101 ebook 
Uncover your unique path to success. This ebook guides you to redefine achievement based on your strengths and values.

🛠️ Get the Self Scout OS
A personalized system to align your daily actions with your long-term goals, forging a path to intentional success.